Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sketching Jack-o-Lanterns...Plus Future Seasonal Video Ideas

In October, I kept thinking about Halloween. I uploaded a video where I painted bloody letters and another where I painted a jack-o-lantern. I filmed multiple makeup looks and making Halloween decorations, which I will upload next year. I also sketched the jack-o-lantern in the photo above in pencil days before Halloween.

While I only uploaded two Halloween videos this year, I plan to make eight for next September and October. I am also going to make more seasonal videos in the future. I uploaded a video where I drew feathers last week, and am going to do a feathers realism challenge next week. The feathers are roughly for Thanksgiving (turkey, feathers ;) I am also going to have winter themed videos, like one where I paint a knitted scarf and another with a tree without leaves. Not all of my future videos will be based on the season though.

If you have any video requests, comment below. Thank you!